Head of the guild “Onlyfangs” dies in the RAID, is revealed by everyone and also committed by Blizzard

The streamer guild only lost many characters in WoW Classic. Because the guild boss made a decisive mistake …

When it comes to drama about World of Warcraft, then no project was as successful as the guild “Onlyfangs”. Here streamers have come together to experience entertaining adventures in the hardcore variant of World of Warcraft. After long months of planning, the raid “melted core” was finally going into the raid.

The chaos was perfect. The guild boss was abandoned by his teammates and lost his character permanently.

Wow Classic: The hardcore servers are here!

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What’s going on at WOW HC? In the hardcore variant, a lot is about the streamer guild only. Well -known Content Creator play their characters in role -playing and try to reach level 60 and then master the raids. There are always interesting intrigue, moral conflicts or discussions about how to behave in a dangerous moment. In particular, the incidents with pirates software caused numerous discussions that made the streamer also published in a different light for many spectators. From time to time you also release the guild management in a duel against a noob.

What happened now? After many months of preparation, the guild only had enough characters together to be able to tackle the raid “melted core”. Under the leadership of the RAID and guild leader Tyler1, you also made relatively good progress- until Boss Baron Geddon. There the fight ran out of hand and shortly before the boss was conquered, several characters of the guild die – including the tank and guild leader.

How did death come about? Like all bosses in World of Warcraft Classic, Baron Geddon is not a complex struggle in theory. There are only a few mechanics that you have to know – especially the bomb and inferno. In the bomb you have to separate individual characters from the group, the melee fighter must remove from the boss during the inferno, as increasing damage is increasingly caused in close proximity.

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Baron Geddon has already arrived at a few life points when Tyler1 decides that the fight is now going through. Much of the raid had already withdrawn to escape the effects of the fight when Tyler1 gives the announcement to plunge into the fight to end the fight.

But many in the raid are reserved and are apparently afraid of their character. Therefore, too little damage is caused and more and more ticks from Inferno meet the melee fighters.

The final damage stick, with which Baron Geddon is then conquered, is too strong for many from only catches – a total of 7 characters bite into the digital grass and are dead. Forever. Because there is no revival in Hardcore-Wow and you have to start over when failing.

You can see the reactions of various streamers on the incident here:

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Blizzard and the community celebrate the climax of onlyfangs

Even Blizzard comments on X, which one thinks of the action of the members at onlyfangs. Because World of Warcraft’s account writes:

“Oh, now the DPS decide not to stand in the fire …”

Blizzard reacts to the incident.

The community also celebrates the incident and discusses it excited about it. While some criticize the procedure of Tyler1 – such as activating “death wish”, which also increases the damage suffered – there are also many who welcome Tyler’s decision and make fun of how many from the raid group stay away for fear.

Most of them seem to agree that Tyler1 has made a wrong decision here. One should have withdrawn – and the result is now the consequence of this wrong decision.

It is clear that ONLYFANGS was created exactly for such dramatic stories. That is why the raid groups are mostly mixed. Only a part of the characters are true veterans in WoW-Classic, many other quasi newcomers-and that is exactly leading to such entertaining and educational moments as here: In WoW Classic there are many mechanics that can quickly lead to their own death-such as The dreaded blood of heroes.
