In the spring of 2024, the School Inspectorate received information that there was possibly a misconduct at Växjö Islamic school. A supervision of the school was made with the aim of determining whether the staff was appropriate to conduct school activities.
The School Inspectorate has now decided that the head of operations for the school may no longer continue to conduct school activities.
This is because the representative at a Friday prayer talked about Jihad, which was also caught on film. According to the authority’s investigation, he must have said, among other things, that “the vulnerable situation of the Muslims today is because Muslims have abandoned jihad and that it is not taught in schools and homes”.
“We must teach our children to implement jihad and tell them about the prophet’s companions who only ate dates but put these aside to implement jihad,” is one of the statements about jihad found in the video clip.
Denies the charges
In the investigation, the chief operating officer has denied that the prayer was about jihad as an armed struggle and that the video was taken out of context. He also believes that wrong translations of what is said in the video.
The School Inspectorate uses CVE, center against violent extremism, as an expert authority. Cve maintains that the examples that the operations manager gives in the sermon exclusively about armed struggle. Therefore, the alleged error translations and the principal’s other objections do not change CVE’s assessment that the chief operating officer has used the concept of jihad in the sense of armed struggle.
Växjö Islamic school has until April 25 to set aside the representative of the school. If not more serious consequences can be actualized.
SVT is looking for the business manager but has not received an answer.