Head for the first names of the sea, for girls and boys!

Head for the first names of the sea for girls

Are you looking for a first name with a sea air? Get inspired by our selection of names from the sea for girls and boys, straight from gentle summer breezes and exotic lands.

THE sea ​​names are trendy and often have a particular story. If we immediately think of first names Oceane and Marine, know that many other first names refer to water and sea air. To give you some ideas for girls and boys, here is a selection of first names for girls and boys that smell of the ocean and the sea spray

What seaside names for girls?

Alizée, Nérée, Marius or Naïa, these first names evoke summer, sea spray and holidays. They refer to the oceans, summer winds or even certain characters from Greek mythology. For example, Calypso is of Greek origin and means “which conceals”. In Greek mythology, this first name evokes the sea ​​nymph who has retained, out of love, And why not pick among the Tahitian first names, like the first name Poema which means “pearl of the deep seas”.

  • Calypso is of Greek origin and means “which conceals”. In Greek mythology, this first name evokes the nymph of the sea who retained, for love, Odysseus.
  • The diminutive of the first name Coralie is Coral, meaning “coral” in English. A first name from the sea, which also means “the one who was born from the sea” in Greek.
  • Naia comes from the term naien which means “flow”, “fluid” in Greek.
  • Arielle comes from the Hebrew har which means “mountain”. This first name refers to Disney’s Little Mermaid, daughter of King Triton, ruler of the seas and oceans.
  • Are you going to fall for this pretty mixed first name of Tahitian origin? Moana means “ocean” in Tahitian.
  • Océane: here again, the origin of this first name is transparent!
  • Pélagie: head for the ocean with this pretty first name which means “high seas” in Greek.
  • Morgana means “she who was “born from the sea”, in Welsh.
  • Poema means “pearl of the deep seas” in Tahitian.
  • Marine comes from the Latin meaning “sea”.
  • Lyna is a short first name with a future! Meaning “lake, waterfall” in Celtic, it can also be written “Lina”.
  • Delphine comes from the Latin and Greek terms “delphinus” and “delfis” which designate a “dolphin”.
  • Naida means “flow” in Greek. A pretty female name as fluid as the waves!
  • Orane: of Welsh origin, this first name means “born of the sea”.

Which seaside names to choose for a little boy?

  • Titouan is a diminutive of Antoine, very popular in Brittany thanks to the notoriety of navigator Titouan Lamazou.
  • Adrian originates from the Latin name Adrianus. It is also derived from a marble from Veneto, Adria, which gave its name to the Adriatic Sea.
  • Nami is a first name of Japanese origin, which means wave.
  • Kaï is a first name between land (Japanese) and sea (Hawaiian) which remains rare. However, it has everything to please parents who want a short and flattering first name.
  • Bilal: as refreshing as a “water”, this name is imbued with a beautiful sweetness of life.
  • Colin, in reference to several species of fish, means “victory of the people” in Greek.
  • In the Bible, Jonah is said to have lived in the belly of a whale for three days after disobeying a divine order.
  • Dylan is a first name of Welsh origin which means “the son of the sea”. A Welsh myth tells that Dylan dived into the sea and began to swim like a fish.
  • Marvin comes from the Welsh name Merfyn which means “friend of the sea”.
  • Marius comes from the Latin “mare” which means “sea”.
  • Nérée comes from the Greek “Nêreus”, ancient name of a god of the sea, the father of the nymphs “the Néréides”.
  • Nemo comes from the Latin “ne Hemo” and means “nobody” in Latin, and “to share” in Greek. As well as being worn by Disney’s famous clownfish and the captain of ‘Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea’, Nemo is one of the sea gods in Greek mythology.
  • Azul is a mixed name of Spanish origin meaning “blue”.
  • More common for girls called Marine, the first name Marin also goes very well to little boys.
  • Titouan is a diminutive of Antoine, he is very popular in Brittany thanks to the notoriety of the navigator Titouan Lamazou.

What is the name of the sea goddess?

Doris comes from the Greek doron which means “gift, present” and it is a derivative of the first name Dorothée. But the first name Doris also comes from the name of a sea goddessmother of the Nereids (the nymphs of the sea).

What is the name of the princess of the sea?

THE name Mary comes from the Hebrew Miryam which refers to a “drop of the sea” or princess of the sea.
