Contrary to what its name suggests, it is in no way a cerebral disease but… a simple cold. Why this name? Is it more serious than a cold? What are the causes and the treatments to put in place?
Definition: what is the common cold?
Also called “coryza” or “rhinitis”the common cold is a acute inflammation of the nasal mucosa. “It is a benign syndrome which is manifested by runny nose and sneezing fits, nasal obstruction, even watery eyes. Moderate fever, fatigue or headache can also occur. He is totally benign and can affect babies, children and adults“, explains Dr. Monique Quillard. It most often occurs during the fall or winter.
Why do we say it’s a “cold”?
Affection in no way affects the meninges, but the ENT sphere. Cold, rhinitis and head cold are all synonyms: they designate a inflammation of the nasal mucosa and/or nasopharynx.
What is the cause of a head cold?
“Coryza is most often due to a virus such as rhinovirus, adenovirus, coronavirus (other than COVID 19), RSV and influenza virus”, says Dr. Quillard. Very common during the autumn-winter period, it is very contagious and is transmitted through nasal secretions, tears or saliva.
What are the symptoms of a head cold?
This condition is characterized by:
- A feeling of fatigue
- A feeling of heavy head
- A nasal obstruction which can affect only one or both nostrils
- A clear runny nose but which can evolve and become thicker and yellow
- Of the headache
- Possibly a slight fever (38°)
When and who to consult?
If the symptoms persist beyond a week or are complicated by conjunctivitis, acute sinusitis, otitis or bronchitiscontact your doctor.
A clinical examination and an interrogation specifying the patient’s symptoms and his personal and family history (allergic rhinitis) are sufficient to make the diagnosis.
What is the treatment for a head cold?
There is nothing specific to do: the common cold will disappear on its own within a week. But treatments can reduce the discomfort. “Against runny nose and nasal obstruction, wash your nose with a hypertonic seawater solution and practice inhalations relieves these symptoms, recommends Dr. Quillard. At the same time, be sure to ventilate the home, keep it at a temperature of 18 to 20° maximum, drink plenty of water and don’t cover yourself too much. In case of fever, it is advisable to take 500mg of Paracetamol every 6 hours before switching to 1 g if symptoms persist“. Please note, paracetamol is not harmless to the liver and it is not recommended to use NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) without medical advice. In children and pregnant and breastfeeding women, the use of homeopathy can be a plus because this treatment has no contraindications. So :
► In case of clear runny nose, improved in the open air: Allium cepa 9CH, 5 pellets every 2 hours to be spaced according to improvement.
► In case of yellow discharge accompanied by difficult blowing: Hydrastis 5CH, 5 granules every 2 hours, to be spaced according to improvement.
► In case of thick flow: Kalium bichromicum 5CH, 5 granules every 2 hours to be spaced according to improvement.
Thanks to Dr. Monique Quillard, general practitioner and homeopath.