He would have liked to have directed this FSK 18 masterpiece himself

He would have liked to have directed this FSK 18

Quentin Tarantino loves many films. He does have one though particularly dear to the heart. He once again emphasized his well-known love for Battle Royale in enthusiastic words. He would have liked to have sat in the director’s chair instead of Kinji Fukasaku.

Quentin Tarantino would have liked to have staged bloody FSK 18 action himself

He recently explained that on Jimmy Kimmel Live.

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I’m a big fan of the Japanese movie Battle Royale which The Hunger Games is based on. Anyway, Hunger Games stole the idea. It would have been great to direct it.

In fact, Battle Royale is considered by many fans to be an absolute action masterpiece and has been critically acclaimed. The level of violence in the film also sparked controversy. Especially with the latter aspect, a director of Tarantino’s type should have few problems.

In the 22 years since it hit theaters in Japan, battle royale has proven to be extremely culturally influential. Various films and an entire video game genre are inspired by the film. Even the completely independent Panem series can’t resist the strong parallels.

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With genres such as science fiction, action, comedy, fantasy, animation and more, Netflix, Disney+ and AppleTV+ are guaranteed to have something for all tastes – whether you’re looking for the new film by Martin Scorsese, the next Disney remake or the film adaptation of yours favorite novel.

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How do you like Battle Royale?
