He went with a complaint of foot pain, and the wire coming out of his heel shocked him! exactly 37 centimeters

He went with a complaint of foot pain and the

Nazika Kandemir, who lives in Meke District, felt a pain in her heel while sitting at home. The wire came out of the area where the pain was coming from. Kandemir and his family, who could not make sense of a wire coming out on its own or even being in his leg, applied to Muğla Training and Research Hospital. A 37-centimeter-long wire was removed from Kandemir’s foot at the hospital. In the subsequent x-ray, it was revealed that Kandemir had 5 other wires in his foot.


The family contacted hospital administrations, two of them private, to find out where the wire came from, and when they could not get an answer, they filed a criminal complaint with the prosecutor’s office.


Nazika Kandemir said, “Before this incident happened, I felt itching and sometimes pain in my feet. Suddenly this wire came out. We went to the hospital, and I was told that there were other wires in my foot in 5 pieces. I don’t want to blame anyone. But I want to find out where this wire came from, and if there is any negligence, I want it to be revealed,” he said, and filed a criminal complaint against those responsible for the incident through his lawyer.


