He was nominated for 5 Oscars and won one of the most important ones

He was nominated for 5 Oscars and won one of

Anyone who has seen a revenge thriller will no longer be surprised by most of them. As a rule, the stories in this genre always play out the same way. One outstanding exception is Promising Young Woman, which you can currently stream with an Amazon Prime subscription. If you haven’t seen the film by Emerald Fennell (Barbie), which is extremely surprising right up to the end, you have to hurry up. He won’t be available on the Flat much longer.

This is the story of Promising Young Woman

Ever since Cassie (Carey Mulligan) saw a friend of hers commit suicide after being raped, the medical student has been on a mission for revenge. In the evenings she plays the helpless victim for men in barswho are then more than surprised in the bedroom.

Moviepilot editor-in-chief Lisa Ludwig wrote very highly about Promising Young Woman:

[…] She wants those Double standards of supposedly nice guys uncover people who would never describe themselves as rapists, and yet consciously cross the boundaries of others and exploit them for their own needs. The kind of man who offers himself, one to bring a drunken woman homeand then attack her half-conscious body. […] Promising Young Woman is a cinematic punch in the gut and at the same time a painful triumph for all those who have already felt sexually at the mercy of another person. […]At the 2021 Academy Awards, the film was nominated in five categories for best picture, best director, best original screenplay, best actress and best editing. In the end, Promising Young Woman won the screenplay award.When will Promising Young Woman disappear from Amazon Prime?

Emerald Fennell’s extraordinary revenge thriller is now only until September 17, 2023 Available with Amazon Prime subscription. You can then rent or buy the film.

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