He was known for his intermittent fasting diet! British doctor found dead in a cave in Greece

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According to reports in the Greek press, the lifeless body of 68-year-old Mosley, who came to Symbeki Island for a holiday, was found in the rocky area near Aya Marina Beach this morning.

It was noted that the body of Mosley, who disappeared after going for a walk on Wednesday, was taken to the Rhodes Forensic Medicine Institute to determine the cause of death, and that no criminal elements have been found at the moment.

Authorities announced that they are considering the possibility that Mosley died from head injuries as a result of his fall.


After studying medicine in London and becoming a doctor, British Michael Mosley worked as a presenter, documentary producer, journalist and writer for many years. Mosley, who is a columnist for the Daily Mail, appeared on Channel 4 on “Who made England fat?” There is a program called.

Dr. Mosley is known for advocating intermittent fasting diets. He is known for his 5:2 diet, which restricts calories two days a week and includes healthy eating and exercise the other five days. Another diet is ‘Fast 800’, in which calorie intake is limited to 800 calories per day for at least two weeks. His wife, Clare Bailey Mosley, is also a doctor, author, and wellness expert.
This content was published by Nilgün Akbıyık.
