He was Jan Stenbeck’s unknown son: “Holds no grudge”

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The financier Jan Stenbeck took mobile phones and advertising television to Sweden and built a business empire worth billions. After his death in 2002, daughter Cristina took over the role as the family’s representative, but today she has left Kinnevik’s board.

Business journalist Jan Almgren at SvD has followed Kinnevik and the Stenbeck family for over 20 years. SvD has now released the podcast Dynastin, a six-part documentary about the legacy of Jan Stenbeck. It depicts the story of a financial family where the children do not fight over who will get the power, but prefer not to have it. It also tells the story of Felix Granander, previously called Stenbeck’s unknown son. Felix never got to meet his father, something he describes as a great sadness that came to the surface again during the filming of Dynasty.

– I was very sad. It’s that you feel like you’ve missed something. That’s a pretty heavy realization.

Watch the clip in the player above.
