He was in intensive care while masturbating!

He was in intensive care while masturbating

A 20-year-old man was hospitalized after a terrible accident while masturbating. What happened was recorded as the first of its kind. The unnamed Swiss patient suffered a rare lung injury while masturbating, normally caused by bouts of vigorous exercise or severe coughing. Doctors tried to relieve the pain caused by the compressed air for the patient who was taken to the intensive care unit.


Paramedics treating the patient at the Cantonal Hospital in Winterthur said his case was ‘unusual’. The incident was published in the journal Radiology Case Reports. The patient, who came to the hospital with ‘severe’ shortness of breath, told doctors he started with a sharp chest pain while masturbating. Stating that there are patients who have experienced similar situations during sexual intercourse before, the doctors said that this is the first time they have encountered such a situation in a person who masturbates. The 20-year-old Swiss teenager was discharged 4 days later.
