He wants to keep young people away from crime – with night football in Örnsköldsvik

Mohammed Ali was one of six leaders who decided to start the activity six years ago. He thought there might be 20 people who wanted to play.

– When I was first contacted, I didn’t know how this would be. I thought maybe it would be like a football team. But it became incredibly much more, he says.

But interest grew faster than he could imagine.

– I work at school and there they already ask on Monday if they will be night football this weekend, says Ali.

Protecting the youth from criminal environments

The young people gather every Friday and Saturday night from nine until midnight.

– Here we not only help them from making stupid stuff out in town, but it is a way to send them to associations and get them to start playing football, he says.

The initiative seems to have succeeded when over 50 of the young people who have participated in night football have started playing football in an association.

One of the associations is Gottne IF who helps every weekend by sending youth leaders who helps Ali organize and control the initiative.
