He waited like that for 24 hours: What came out of his genitals was astonishing!

He waited like that for 24 hours What came out

An unidentified person went to the emergency room of the hospital in Tehran, the capital of Iran, after inserting a battery into his genitals. It was found that the battery remained in his genitals for 24 hours. Questions such as why and how the 49-year-old man inserted the battery into his genitals remained unanswered.

He applied to the emergency room with the complaint that he could not remove the battery stuck in his genital organ for 24 hours in the incident that took place in April 2021. The paramedics removed the battery without surgery and discharged it the same day. But months later he had to return in agony.


During her second examination in September, she explained that she had a burning sensation when urinating and was unable to maintain a full urine flow. Doctors weren’t sure exactly what caused the damage. However, they stated that it may have been caused by toxic substances in the battery.

The incident was revealed in the medical journal Urology Case Reports by doctors from Shahid Beheshti University in Tehran.
