He thought it was the flu, the truth turned out to be completely different! His hands and feet were cut off: The reason shocked those who heard it!

He thought it was the flu the truth turned out

Something incredible happened in the USA. Kohlhof, 35, went into septic shock from a flea bite. The hands and feet of the unfortunate man, who remained in the intensive care unit for days, were amputated.

Kohlhof, who was taken to the San Antonio emergency room, said he had a loss of feeling in his toes.

It was learned that Kohlhof, who was learned to have septic shock after a short time, was taken to the intensive care unit.

Kohlhof, who was treated with antibiotics during the intensive care unit, continued to worsen.



The unfortunate man’s mother, J’Leene Hardaway, said doctors called her because they were concerned about her son’s brain death. “He came back from the dead once or twice,” said Kohlhof’s brother, Gred.

Although the man, who fought for life and death in the intensive care unit for 11 days, won the fight, gangrene formation was observed in his hands and feet due to the drugs he used.

For this reason, the 35-year-old man had to be amputated.



The reason why Kohlhof fell into this situation was learned in the statement made by the doctors after the treatment.

Kohlhof, who was diagnosed with typhus disease due to a flea bite, did not show any serious symptoms until he was diagnosed.
