He thought he was gaining weight, when the pain increased, the real appeared! 7 kilograms weighing

He thought he was gaining weight when the pain increased

Semra Akgeyik, who lives in Malatya, applied to the hospital due to abdominal pain. In the examinations, a large mass of approximately 40 centimeters from the uterus to the bottom of the chest was detected.

Taken by 3 hours of operation

Malatya Turgut Özal University, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Malatya Training and Research Hospital Gynecology and Obstetrics Specialist Assoc. Dr. Engin Yildirim, directed by a successful operation 3 hours, 7 kilograms of mass by taking the health of the patient.

“Quite big and rapidly growing”


Assoc. Dr. Engin Yildirim, said in a statement, the patient’s complaints at the beginning of shortness of breath and serious abdominal swelling, “Our patient had a very large and rapidly growing mass. After the examinations made, we saw that this bloating and mass should be taken as soon as possible.


We have successfully removed the 7 kilogram audience in surgery and expects the pathology results. If the results are positive, our patient will also get rid of chemotherapy or radiotherapy, “he said.

He thought he was gaining weight


Semra Akgeyik, health status is good and relieved after the operation, he said. “Initially bloating kilo I thought it was to take it, I didn’t have pains. However, my pain increased and when my stomach started to expand, I applied to the hospital. After the examinations, the mass was identified and the decision should be taken immediately. My health is very good, I have had a very big surgery and I am very happy to have my health. “

Regular control is a must


Assoc. Dr. Yildirim stressed that such masses should not be neglected and encouraged citizens to regular health checks. Lightning, “the masses often gas, intestinal movements or urine problems can be misunderstood. Early diagnosis and intervention is of great importance. Our hospital, all citizens 7/24 open and continue to provide health care,” he said.

