He thought he had a traffic accident! The truth turned out to be different.

He thought he had a traffic accident The truth turned

He couldn’t believe his eyes when he saw the final state of the woman who was bitten by the black widow spider. Tracy Keeble, 43, estimates she was bitten by a black widow spider while walking her dog Dottie on July 22.

The woman, who preferred to wear sandals instead of shoes in the woods due to the scorching heat wave that hit England, thinks that an insect bit her at that time. She notices a scar on her ankle after a walk with her dog.


In the following days, bruises began to form on the body of the woman, who did not care about the scar on her wrist. When she went to the hospital, they thought she had a traffic accident because of the wounds on her body. After the tests, it was confirmed that he was bitten by a black widow spider.


The bruises and pain on his legs have not gone away yet. The treatment of the woman, who stayed in the hospital for a while, continues at home.
