He swallowed the needle with his sneezing! She was left in pain with the shock she experienced.

He swallowed the needle with his sneezing She was left

When it comes to ingested foreign substances, it is seen that the most common type is needle. While tying their headscarves, women can swallow the needles they hold in their mouths as a result of minor mistakes. Semiha Keçeci, 45, mother of two, living in Gaziosmanpaşa, sneezed the needle she took in her mouth while she was fixing her headscarf because she was in a hurry. Keçeci said, “I was wearing my headscarf, I put it in my mouth, which should not have been, and swallowed it with a sneeze. I was so scared, I felt it stuck, going down. They should definitely not take it in their mouths, I got burned, so that others do not get burned, ”she said.


Semiha Keçeci, 45, a mother of two, living in Gaziosmanpaşa, allegedly sneezed into her mouth while she was fixing her headscarf because she was in a hurry on 23 January. The woman, who realized that she had swallowed a 3.5-centimeter needle, was shocked and suddenly in pain. The woman, who was treated in the emergency room, was immediately filmed. It was determined that the pin had reached the stomach, and it was taken from the point where the needle was in the patient’s stomach with the endoscopic procedure performed. While Keçeci was breathing a sigh of relief, Op. Dr. İsmail Çalıkoğlu gave information about the treatment. While the needle reaching the stomach is revealed with its image in the film, Op. Dr. Çalıkoğlu warned against swallowing foreign bodies, especially in children.



Semiha Keçeci, 45, mother of 2 children, said, “I was wearing my headscarf in the washbasin, I put the pin that shouldn’t be in my mouth and swallowed it with a sneeze. At that moment, I was hurt, I felt stuck, I panicked. I quit, I looked it was out, but it wasn’t. I felt it go down. They took me to the ED in haste, they made a movie, they were interested, then they said it was in my stomach. It’s not as much as I feared, I’m fine now, I’m in good health, but they should definitely not put it in their mouths. It was a small thing, but it was a very bad process. My hair was out, so we thought, let’s get together and go out as a hijab. I was a little panicked, it was where I needed to catch up, so I hurried a bit. I always wear it on my collar, when I sneeze, I swallow it with it, but I immediately felt it sink into my throat. I also have a panic attack, I got a lot of panic, it felt like my throat was being tightened, I couldn’t breathe for a while. Then friends said to breathe through your nose, I tried to listen to them. I was afraid, maybe something would happen, because I felt it sink in my throat, and then I felt a little relieved when it went down. I’m burned, so no one else gets burned,” she said.



Giving information about the condition of the patient holding the needle, Op. Dr. İsmail Çalıkoğlu said, “It can come before us in the form of swallowing foreign bodies and escaping into the trachea. Fish, chicken bones or dental prostheses are among the most commonly swallowed objects we see. In our country, we often encounter things such as swallowing needles, nails and screws. When our patient came to us, she stated that she wanted to put the needle she used to tie her headscarf in her mouth for a while. Later, a sneeze developed, and this needle got into the esophagus because there was a sudden breathing event. Possibly, this could have gone to the trachea, in such sudden breathing, then the trachea would have to be examined, it would have escaped to the lungs. Under these conditions, there was a progression from the esophagus to the stomach. When he applied to us, 2-3 hours had passed since this job, the needle had progressed slowly.



In the imagings we performed in the emergency services, we saw that the needle was still in the stomach and did not go any further. Afterwards, we took our patient to our endoscopy unit, and in the endoscopy we performed here, we saw that at the exit of the stomach, it was stuck in the innermost layer, which we call the gastric mucosa, among the food residues. Although it was difficult, we held our needle using our special tools, then we took it out through the endoscopy channel without causing any harm to our patient. We saw that this needle did not cause any harm to our patient until this stage, and did not cause a tear in his esophagus or stomach.



Saying that the need for surgery may occur if the needle goes to a more advanced point, Op. Dr. Çalıkoğlu said, “If the needle had advanced further from where it was lodged, it would have reached small perforations in the stomach and small intestine, possibly the need for surgical removal. Fortunately, our patient was lucky, he came to us at the right time. Small beads in toys, evil eye beads, rosary beads, chickpeas, small-piece toys can be. Even if these always go to the esophagus of our children, very serious respiratory arrests and health-threatening situations can occur by going to the trachea. There may be some detergent products that are open in the market, those who collect them in water bottles or those who put them in a glass and wait for them to use as much detergent at home, and our children and adults can drink them by mistake. We need to pay maximum attention to them. If he is going to hold a needle, he may get nails in his mouth, if he is going to screw it, when repairing. We shouldn’t use our mouths on these because we can’t hold them in with sudden sneezing, coughing or slipping. It begins to descend into our esophagus. Our needle was a 3-4 cm bulk needle. Since his weight was on the bulk side, it went down backwards, causing pain in our patient’s throat and chest.

