“He steps into the same rake with Russia year after year”

The Macron alliance won the most seats losing a

At the weekend, Macron commented on how the NATO countries should give Russia security guarantees when the country returns to the negotiating table.

Researcher at the Foreign Policy Institute Jyri Lavikainen is knocked out in the morning by the president of France Emmanuel Macron weekend comments about security guarantees.

– He steps into the same rake with Russia year after year, Lavikainen says.

According to Macron, the NATO countries should prepare to give Russia security guarantees when the country returns to the negotiating table.

According to Lavikainen, Macron does not understand the nature of his opponent.

– At this stage, it is not necessary to tell in advance what we are ready to do and what we are not. Russia’s cruel leaders are only getting water for their mills, Lavikainen says.

According to Lavikainen, Macron’s actions are partly explained by Macron’s desire to take a leading role in Europe at the expense of the United States. However, Macron is only hurting the situation.

For example, the previous deal with Russia regarding Ukraine, the 2015 ceasefire agreements, led to this situation, according to Lavikainen. It was Germany and France that played a leading role in that agreement.

The speeches encourage Russia

Lavikainen tells how Macron’s speeches only encourage Russia that their actions are working. Russia can pursue its political demands with military force.

If Russia was genuinely interested in security guarantees, it would have held negotiations with the United States on arms control issues related to strategic stability earlier. However, Russia postponed the negotiations because the country did not like the attitude of the United States.

According to Lavikainen, the above shows how much Russia is interested in where some missiles are placed.

In addition to Putin, the entire Russian administration must be changed, says ex-president of Estonia Kaljulaid:

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Updated at 9:02 a.m. Lavikainen’s quote from Macron.

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