He shared his illness on TikTok! Accused of fraud by dermatologist

He shared his illness on TikTok Accused of fraud by

Nancy Morel, a 19-year-old make-up artist living in England, shows her skin disease in her TikTok account. When this disease, which occurs every 40 years, first appeared, Nancy thought she was developing allergic reactions on her skin. However, at the doctor she went to, she learned that she had urticarial vasculitis.

Nancy, who has urticarial vasculitis, suddenly develops bruises and redness on her skin. Nancy states that she receives disturbing glances in the society due to her illness and that she is uncomfortable with these looks. However, Nancy, who made peace with her illness with the videos she shared on her TikTok account, raises awareness about this disease.

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Citing the video Nancy Morel shared recently, a popular dermatologist accused Nancy of fraud, claiming that she had reddened and bruised her skin with make-up. According to this video, Nancy reacted to the “extremely sad” video, calling for the doctor to apologize in the comments.

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In the video she shared, a headline that reads, “It looks like a clogged artery… BUT,” states, “Something’s not quite right… was writing. The dermatologist removed the video he posted due to the reactions he received.

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“I hope this lady can understand why this video is extremely upsetting, given that she has a large following and is spreading misinformation about situations she hasn’t openly investigated,” Nancy said. she said. Throughout her response video, Morel wiped her face to show she was free of makeup and showed the inside of her mouth, where the flare was also visible.

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“If you’re going to talk that loud on such a sensitive subject, then make sure you’re 100% right,” Morel said at the end of his video.
