He said ‘Absolutely true’ and announced! bad news for Putin

He said Absolutely true and announced bad news for Putin

One month has passed since Russia’s military intervention in Ukraine. Earlier, US President Joe Biden used the term “war criminal” to refer to Putin. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Putin had crossed the red line. “Putin should be brought to the International Criminal Court. There is no doubt that his actions are war crimes” said.


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson made statements before the NATO Extraordinary Leaders Summit. Noting that NATO allies should intensify the pressure on Russia, Johnson said, “We must do more. “The point I will make today is that[Putin]has already crossed the threshold of barbarism with his actions,” he said.


“He’s talking about new red lines, whether chemical or biological, nuclear weapons or whatever. For me he’s already crossed the red line. He’s bombing civilian centers indiscriminately. It’s causing so many casualties in completely innocent areas,” Johnson said.


“I think it’s absolutely true that Russia committed war crimes, as US President Joe Biden said, and it’s also true that Russia should now be before the International Court of Justice. President Putin should be brought to the International Criminal Court. He hasn’t said anything about his actions being war crimes,” Johnson said. no doubt,” he said.

Referring to the need to do more for Russia economically to increase the pressure on Putin, Johnson said, “Can we do more to stop Putin from using gold reserves in addition to cash reserves? What can we do more to impose sanctions on SWIFT?” said. “We must do more to give the Ukrainians military support,” Johnson said. “The biggest thing that came out last month, the great truth that the world now knows, is that the Ukrainian people will fight for their country. They believe in their country, they love their country. They will defend it. This is something we didn’t really know a month ago. “It’s completely clear now. That means we have a duty to help them. It’s our duty to help them protect themselves and their loved ones.”

Source: UAV
