He risked his life to reach the water! It went viral on social media

He risked his life to reach the water It went

According to the BBC’s report, footage of a woman risking her life for water was recorded in the state of Madhya Pradesh, where there is difficulty in accessing water.

The image of the woman who went up and down the water well without using any equipment to get water garnered reactions on social media. Numerous people urged the authorities to help urgently.

On the other hand, an Indian woman told ANI news agency, “We have to go down to the well to collect water. There are exactly three wells here, almost all of them have dried up.” she used the phrase.

In her statement, the woman said that government officials and political leaders only visit the area during election periods. “We decided not to vote until there is a water supply.” she said.


It is stated that state officials have promised to provide water to every village by 2024, but millions of people still do not have access to drinking water.

In international reports, India is among 17 countries with “extremely high water crisis”.

