He lives with a hole in his head! When it becomes clear what’s going on…

He lives with a hole in his head When it

Nickie Murtagh, who lives in London, the capital of England, was basking herself in the sun at every spare time due to her obsession with tanning in her early 20s.

After a while, the woman noticed that a hole was made in her head and went to the doctor. Doctors told the young woman that she had a hole in her head as a side effect of the cosmetic products she used.


For a long time, he did not go to check again with this thought. When he went to the doctor again, he faced the terrible truth.


Nickie Murtagh, now 37, continues to live with a hole in his head.


When she went back for a checkup, the unfortunate woman was diagnosed with skin cancer. The skin of the woman, who is the mother of 3 children, started to form large and small wounds over time.


Saying that she regretted spending her hours under the sun uncontrollably and unprotected, the woman said that everyone should be careful about this.


Murtagh said in an interview, “As skin cancer is often a recurrent disease, I’m always worried about it coming back. The fear is real and it never goes away. I don’t like the way I look now, but it’s my battle scars and it’s my life forever, so this is a terrible reminder to cancer awareness,” Murtagh said in an interview. I will do everything I can to make it happen.” said.
