He is the new Boatman – the dog Louis won the dream role

Now it is clear who got the role of Boatman in the new Saltkråkan. The dog Louis has strolled in front of the camera in several different places in Stockholm’s archipelago during the summer, and tomorrow he will leave for filming again.
– It’s great fun, really fantastic to be a part of, says boss Joakim Andersson in Efter fem.

The dog Louis has been given the role of Båtsman, one of Sweden’s perhaps most beloved dogs, in the new film adaptation of Salt Crow. It all started with a phone call to owner Joakim Andersson, which then led to an audition.

They wanted to see his basic knowledge and what commands he can do, says Joakim.

Audition led to casting, and according to teacher Emelie Lam, Louis is really happy. Every time it is time to go out to the recording in the archipelago, he is full of energy.

He probably thinks it’s great fun to come out and meet the children and everyone in the film crew, says Emelie Lam.

Haven’t gotten hubris – yet

Both husband and wife agree, Louis clearly has a “Boatman personality”.

He always wants to be with us a bit and hang out with master and mother and run after us whatever we do, says Joakim.

So far, Louis hasn’t gotten hubris. He has always been something of a local celebrity where the family has lived, like the 95 kilo food wreck that he is. Husse Joakim thinks he’s used to being a celebrity, but Aunt Emelie thinks he’ll wonder who it is he’s been watching on TV since the movie premiered.

But he will probably think it’s great fun to see himself, she says.

Yesterday 17:52

Here is the new Boatman in Saltkråkan: “Had to audition”

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