He is a nature scavenger… The black soldier fly provides recycling by eating organic wastes: ‘There is nothing they cannot eat’

He is a nature scavenger… The black soldier fly provides

Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Science Department of Biology Assoc. Dr. Oguzhan Yanar, for the ‘black soldier fly beetle’ produced in private laboratories, “There is nothing they can not eat,” he said. He underlines the vital role of the insect in the transformation of organic wastes.

This is extremely high waste consumption rates bugsome nutrients at the same time can be compared with another species of living; This shows that it can provide a big solution in the future in line with zero waste targets.


Assoc. Dr. Oguzhan Yanar, “Waste consumption rates are very high, organic waste point almost nothing can not eat,” he said.


“Mold and deteriorated foods can return to nature thanks to this insect”

The “Black Soldier Fragure”, which consumes many waste from market waste to state waste, restaurant wastes to fish waste, is produced in the Biology Department of OMU Faculty of Science Faculty. Produced on these insects Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan Yanar and his team are doing R & D work. When cooking at home, peeled potatoes, eggplants, moldy cheese or deteriorated foods can return to nature thanks to this insect Assoc. Dr. Oguzhan Yanar, a very high quality fertilizer from the insect, he said.


“Let’s recycle the wastes we can save”

Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan Yanar, “the world in the elimination of current waste, especially in the elimination of organic wastes, we have a study on insects. This kind of conversion of wastes in the future, even converting zero waste. Our valuable teachers in the faculty of agriculture, such as greenhouse applications. It is a very high -minded of the organic waste of the fish that it is very important; You can consume and then get a very high quality fertilizer. can evaluate. R & D work continues. We want that in the world at the same time, let’s use this beetle in a coinged manner. We will not be able to eliminate all of our wastes, but at least let’s recycle the wastes we can save, “he said.


“Turns into a perfect fertilizer”

Addressing to local governments Assoc. Dr. Yanar, “We especially want local governments to listen to us. We make a feed ratio while feeding the beetle. For example, cauliflower leaves, rotten oranges, rotten tangerines, the internal organs of the fish can eat at the same time. We have proven with our scientific analysis, “he said.



Assoc. Dr. Oğuzhan Yanar and his team, Rector of Ondokuzmayis University. Dr. Fatma Aydın and Dean of the Faculty of Science Dr. Erkan Yalçın’s full support behind them continues to carry out R & D and Master Thesis.


