“He hates me, doesn’t he?” Ryan Reynolds drove the star of a fantasy trilogy crazy because he behaved like Deadpool on set

He hates me doesnt he Ryan Reynolds drove the star

With Deadpool & Wolverine, a hotly anticipated superhero film is in the starting blocks, which to get the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) back on trackRyan Reynolds has played the big-mouthed mercenary for so long and so well that it is sometimes difficult to tell the two apart.

This may also be because the role is tailor-made for the half-Canadian. This was already apparent at the beginning of his career and Wesley “Blade” Snipes allegedly hates him for it.

Before Deadpool, Ryan Reynolds played another Marvel role

In fact, Deadpool is one of three cartoon charactersthat Reynolds has played so far. In addition to the popular antihero, he also made a foray into the DC universe in Green Lantern. His first appearance in a comic book film, however, was as Hannibal King in Blade: Trinity in 2005.

New Line Cinema

Reynolds and Snipes didn’t have an easy time with each other on Blade: Trinity

In it, Reynolds is part of the Nightstalkers, who help Blade after the loss of his mentor. Reynolds is just as quick-witted as Hannibal King as he later did as Deadpool. Even here he was able to prove how much he enjoyed improvising and making audiences and co-stars laugh.

Ryan Reynolds Art has really annoyed Wesley Snipes

Wesley Snipes has put a lot of heart and soul into the Blade films and the character has become very dear to his heart. Snipes was so devoted that he also off camera his Blade persona Reynolds revealed this in an interview with IGN in 2004. He was said to have been almost as stoic and emotionally distant as his role.

This is of course difficult to reconcile with a person like Ryan Reynolds, who does not hold back his sharp tongue and always has a saying on his lipsHis humor was unbearable for Snipes, especially because the joker had made it his goal to throw the leading actor out of his role, as he revealed in an interview.

This even went so far that Reynolds improvised until brought in front of the camera At one point he said:

There’s a moment in the movie where I look up at Jessica and I swear to God I didn’t even know the cameras were still rolling and I say, ‘He hates me, doesn’t he?’ And she says, ‘Yeah.’

The question was included in the film, but it wasn’t actually Hannibal King who asked about Blade, but Ryan Reynolds who asked about Wesley Snipes.
