He got them hooked! Pensioners take to the streets in Iran

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Iranian pensioners held a demonstration to “increase their salaries and improve their social rights”. People coming together in different parts of the country invited the state to find solutions to the problems.


According to the news of the Iranian Human Rights Activists Agency, thousands of retirees gathered in front of the Social Security Institution buildings in many cities such as Mashhad, Tabriz, Isfahan, Kermanshah, Ahvaz, Loristan, Kazvin, Kerec, and Geylan and demanded the improvement of their salaries and social rights.


The demonstrators gathered in front of the Parliament building in the capital, Tehran, chanted slogans against President Ibrahim Chief and Minister of Labor Huccetullah Abdulmelik, and carried banners reading “Inflation, expensiveness is the scourge of the nation” and “Neither the Parliament nor the state is thinking of the nation”.

Retirees, who say that they receive salaries below the poverty line in Iran, organize protests from time to time and ask the authorities to solve their problems.

