He gets Sonja Livbom’s last rose in Bachelorette Sweden 2024

We have come to the end of this year’s season of “Bachelorette Sweden”. Sonja Livbom has to hand out her last rose and it gets really emotional, just before the election Sonja breaks down. It’s between Valentin Kronlund and William Palmblad, and the one who finally gets the last rose and who won Sonja’s heart is William.

– When I started this journey, I never thought I would feel the way I feel today. So my question is do you want to accept my last rose? she asks him.

William breaks down after the question

Then it becomes emotional for William as well, who first breaks down before he answers yes.

– I am so in love with you, says Sonja.

– And me in you, he replies.

William is still in shock.

– How does it feel right now? I can’t fucking put it into words. It doesn’t work, I didn’t understand anything, says William.

– I can’t really fully accept that it’s me and Sonja now. It feels so surreal. There is no one who is happier than me, so damn whole, he continues.

“For me, he is a matter of course”

Sonja is relieved to finally confirm William.

– For me, he is a matter of course and he makes me feel absolutely perfect, just for the crazy soul that I am. All my sides he embraces. He gives me security that he will stand behind me, regardless of my ups and downs, says Sonja.

– It feels incredibly nice to be able to give him this confirmation. I have been waiting to give him that confirmation and have seen how he has longed and longed for this confirmation that I have not been able to give him, she continues.

But having to hurt Valentin was heavy at the same time.

– I feel very strongly for Valentin, it feels incredibly difficult that I had to say no to him. I just fell incredibly in love with another person, says Sonja.

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Join us on a romantic and dramatic adventure as this year’s Bachelorette Sweden searches for the love of her life.
