He gets Olivia Birgersson’s last rose in Bachelorette Sweden

Leksand extended the winning streak beat AIK

In Bachelorette Sweden, Olivia Birgersson has made her final choice and decided which of the guys will get her last rose. Is it Adam Edgren or Oscar Batres that made her heart beat a little extra?

– You are so self-evident, says Olivia when she gives out her last rose.

“I never really dared to make up my mind”

For TV4, Olivia now talks about the final choice, and when she actually decided who would get her last rose.

– I never really dared to make up my mind, because it was so hard to make these choices. I had a soft spot for Adam for a long time, and had a gut feeling for a long time. But I always dragged out the decisions because I didn’t want to hurt the others, but deep down I knew enough, she says.
