The 31-year-old person who died in Mexico gave hope to 80 people with his organ donation.
An unnamed 31-year-old person who donated his organs in the Mexican state of San Luis Potosi gave hope to dozens of people with his organ donation. After the patient’s brain death, it was announced that his organs were removed with the operation performed at the Regional General Hospital No. 50 and the organs in question would be transplanted to the patients in need.
After the operation, the body of the organ donor was taken out of the hospital, and he was sent off to his last journey with applause by the health workers lined up in the corridor. The organ donor’s family stated that they wanted to donate all of their children’s organs to those in need, at every opportunity.
Regional General Hospital officials stated that as a result of the operation, pancreas, heart, liver, cornea, skin, kidney and muscle tissues were saved from the donor and that these tissues will be hope for 80 people waiting for organ donation. (UAV)