He does Donald Duck’s voice on Christmas Eve

He does Donald Ducks voice on Christmas Eve

December 24 at 3 p.m. is, for millions of Swedes, synonymous with “Kalle Anka og hans vänner oskanter Good Christmas” which has been broadcast on SVT every year since 1960.

But who actually does the Swedish voice for the character Kalle Anka?

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Andreas Nilsson does the voice of Donald Duck

Well, it’s the actor Andreas Nilsson who is behind the Donald Duck voice on Christmas Eve and he certainly has an impressive resume. In addition to the voice for Kalle Anka, he does the Swedish voice for the character, for example Lord Voldemort in “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” (2005) and the voice of Stitch in “Lilo & Stitch” (2002).

And you might recognize his face from shows like “REA,” “The Wizard of Oz” and “Tootsie.”

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Photo: Stella Pictures

In August 2023, Andreas Nilsson appeared on the YouTube channel “Uppdrag: Mat” where he, in an interview with Mauri Hermundssontalked about how few, at the beginning of his career, were doing the voices of various children’s programs.

– For the first five or six years, there were seven of us who did all the voices in all the series, he says the video.
