He died 134 years ago, he continues to walk in the cemetery! The creepy event was caught on camera once again

He died 134 years ago he continues to walk in

Born in Charleston, South Carolina, USA, Sue Howard Hardy died mysteriously in 1888. Six days before Hardy’s death, his child was stillborn. According to reports, Hardy’s cause of death was complications from childbirth. However, Hardy was caught on camera for the second time since then walking through the cemetery of St Philip’s Church in Charleston, built in 1680.


In 1987, local amateur photographer Harry Reynold froze when he looked at a photo he had taken. There was a scary human figure in the photo. Part of the figure’s body was covered with some kind of clothing and was bent over the baby’s grave. Harry wanted to know more about the photograph, but could not make any sense of what was happening in the frame.



Interestingly, 35 years later, a woman named Cassie Alexis Lahn photographed Hardy again while she was doing a ghost tour of the city. The photograph shows a dressed-up 19th-century woman walking through the cemetery with her head bowed. Lahn says the following about the photo:

“I took this photo while our guide was talking to us about a woman named Sue Howard Hardy. If you Google her name, she has an ’80s photo that looks like a white dress just like this one.”


Nearly every ghost tour in Charleston stops outside the cemetery gates to tell the story of Sue Howard Hardy, and a copy of the 1987 photograph is handed out to tour attendees for review.

However, they offer a disclaimer after multiple reports of pregnant women having problems after looking at the photo. Some of those who look at the photo feel as if they are suffocating, while others feel nauseous.

Social media users said, “No plus! I got goosebumps”, “Oh my god, I see the woman so clearly”.
