He considered artificial intelligence “the most urgent existential risk”! Elon Musk will release his own artificial intelligence tomorrow

He considered artificial intelligence the most urgent existential risk Elon

Elon Musk spoke to the British national news agency PA Media as part of the Artificial Intelligence Security Summit held in England recently and pointed out that artificial intelligence is the most urgent existential risk facing humanity and said, “I think artificial intelligence is one of the existential risks we face and “The most urgent one.” He also said, “For the first time, we are faced with something that will be smarter than even the smartest person.”

Musk is set to release the first model of his artificial intelligence company xAI, after declaring technology to be the most pressing existential risk to humanity.

In his statement on X, the famous billionaire said that tomorrow (Saturday, November 4, 2023), xAI will present its first artificial intelligence to a selected group.


“In some important ways, this (xAI’s new model) is the best currently available,” Tesla CEO said in his statement.

Elon Musk launched his new artificial intelligence company xAI in the past months.

In the statement made on the company’s website, it is noted that xAI’s aim is “to understand the true nature of the universe.”

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