He answered the question everyone was wondering: Does monkeypox kill the virus? Symptoms of the Monkeypox virus that has alarmed the world…

He answered the question everyone was wondering Does monkeypox kill

Yasemin Artunc / Mynet Special – The unsettling wait continues regarding the monkeypox virus that has taken the world by storm. Monkeypox virus (monkeypox), a virus transmitted from animals to humans, is thought to have passed from rodents to humans and monkeys.

Although it is in the same family as the smallpox virus, it is less deadly than the disease caused by this virus. The virus is transmitted from animal to human by contact with the bodily fluids of animals and by biting.

Human-to-human transmission occurs through face-to-face respiratory droplets, close contact with infected skin lesions, contact with infected body fluids, and sexually.


Making special statements to Mynet, Prof. Dr. Levent Yamanel spoke as follows:

“The incubation period of the disease is approximately 1-2 weeks. At the end of this period, symptoms such as fever, chills, swelling in the lymph nodes, weakness, headache and muscle pain and skin lesions typical for the disease appear. These skin lesions are 0.5-1 cm in size, especially on the face. , legs and arms, mouth and genital area. These lesions, which are raised from the skin, then become discharge. Monkeypox disease, which usually progresses with a clinic that resolves within 2 to 4 weeks, can be fatal at a rate of 3-6%. Secondary infections, especially in people with suppressed immune system Complications such as pneumonia, sepsis, encephalitis can lead to death.



It is highly protective to comply with social distance, to wear a mask if necessary, to avoid close contact with the patient. Individuals immunized with the smallpox vaccine are largely resistant to this disease. Monkey pox, which is seen in the USA, Canada, Australia and many European countries, has not been detected in our country. I wish you all a healthy day and offer my respects in the hope that it will never be seen in our country.”
