HBO fired the actor chosen for the hit series White Lotus – Ukraine accused him of being a supporter of the war | Foreign countries

HBO fired the actor chosen for the hit series White

According to the online newspaper Politico, Milos Biković has supported Russia’s war of aggression and the occupation of Crimea in interviews with Russian media and YouTube channels.

The cable television company HBO has stopped cooperation with the Serbian actress of Milos Biković with. Biković was supposed to star in the third season of the hit series White Lotus. Filming starts this month in Thailand.

HBO has announced that they have decided to go their separate ways with the actor. We are looking for a new actor for the role.

The reason for the firing can be found in Biković’s connections with Russia.

HBO announced the cast on January 12. Ukraine questioned the casting choices on the messaging service X and accused Biković of supporting Russia since the beginning of the war of aggression.

In its message, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine asked HBO if it is appropriate for the company to work with a person who supports genocide. In the video, Biković was called the Kremlin’s foreign mouthpiece.

Biković has acted in several Russian productions and has regularly said that he admires Russian culture. In 2018, he appeared in a film shot in Russian-occupied Crimea.

Biković rose to fame in Russia, says online magazine Politico. According to the newspaper, he has supported the Russian war and the occupation of Crimea in interviews with Russian media and YouTube channels.

– My attitude towards Russia will not change regardless of the amount of Russophobia and anti-Russian hysteria. My attitude towards Russia is not based on political events, but rather on a cultural, spiritual level, Biković said in 2022, according to Politico.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin awarded the 2018 Pushkin Medal to Biković for his support of Russian culture. He received Russian citizenship a couple of years later.

– It is a great honor to say that Russia is my home country, the actor wrote at the time.

In 2019, Biković said that he would not be allowed into Ukraine due to national security.

Grew up in a war-torn country

Biković criticized HBO’s decision as “the victory of absurdity and the loss of art”. He wrote on Facebook on Saturday that participating in the series became impossible because he is not ready to change his principles.

On Saturday, he wrote in X that he does not support any wars.

– I grew up in a country torn by war. At the age of 11, I spent days and nights in shelters when my home country and my home town were bombed. I could never wish that on anyone, Biković formulated.

Now his account on X seems to have been deleted.

The New York Times again says Biković wrote on Instagram in 2022, the day after the Russian attack, that he wished the war had not started.

Source: AFP
