Hay fever: this easy trick unblocks your nose in 10 seconds

Hay fever this easy trick unblocks your nose in 10

A method that requires nothing more than your fingers.

The stormy weather of the last few days has resulted in an increase in the concentration of pollen in the air. Particularly those from grasses, flowering herbaceous plants present since May, which cause unpleasant symptoms of allergic rhinitis, also known as “hay fever”, in some people. The body identifies these allergenic substances as harmful and tries to combat them by releasing histamine, a variety of hormones that cause itchy eyes, tears, itchy throat or nose, coughing, sneezing or even a blocked nose. These symptoms can go as far as interfering with sleep, daily activities, concentration and causing intense fatigue.

To combat hay fever, you need to avoid allergens. It is recommended not to open windows when it is windy, to wash your hair in the evening and to avoid drying laundry outside. Local treatments can also be effective, such as eye drops, nasal drops or other medications such as antihistamines or corticosteroids. But when we do not have any of these solutions on hand, we must know how to improvise.

In video Posted on his Instagram account with almost 6 million subscribers, American physiotherapist James Moore revealed a simple trick to unblock the nose and thus improve breathing. It is a facial massage technique that increases blood flow to the sinuses. “This increased circulation helps relieve sinus pressure around the face and nose.” shares the expert. How to do it? Start by pressing one finger on one side of your nose to close one nostril. Then, with the thumb of your other hand, maintain pressure under your cheekbone. Hold this position and take 10 deep breaths. And there you have it! Your nose should be cleared.

The expert reminds us that his advice is not a substitute for the opinion of a health professional. If the symptoms are too severe, do not hesitate to consult a doctor. In the meantime, be aware that the presence of grass in the air should decrease at the end of July, just a little more patience before your nose is finally free.
