Having a cup of hot lemon water in the morning would actually be of little use.

Having a cup of hot lemon water in the morning

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    in collaboration with

    Arnaud Cocaul (Medical nutritionist)

    It is a gesture often advocated to detoxify your body: take in the morning, on an empty stomach, a cup of hot lemon water. However, this would in reality be of little interest. The explanations of Dr Arnaud Cocaul, nutritionist.

    To detoxify your body, stimulate your liver, revive your digestive system… There are many reasons to drink a cup of hot lemon water. However, in reality, the benefits associated with this drink would be weak, even non-existent.

    Watch out for tooth enamel

    In an article published by our colleagues in the Daily Mail, the spokesperson for the British Dental Association and dentist Hanna Woolnough, recalls that “Hot water and lemon are often mistakenly sold as a panacea for multiple health problems“. According to her, “what is so alarming is the damage this habit can cause to your teeth, which in many cases is permanent and irreversible”. Indeed, very acidic lemon juice attacks tooth enamel and eventually erodes it, making teeth sensitive by depriving them of this protective layer.

    An increased risk of cavities and dental infections

    Taking lemon juice daily therefore damages the teeth and this is not without risk. “Worn enamel can then open the door to bacteria that can cause cavities or infections. It also makes the teeth discolored as the enamel, which is white, wears away to expose the layer of dentin underneath, which is yellow.“adds Dr. Woolnough. Hot water is said to increase these effects, which ultimately leads to increased sensitivity of the teeth, both to cold and hot.

    Finally, concerning the advantages linked to digestion, Dr Steven Mann, gastroenterologist interviewed by the Daily Mail, recalls that there is no “no evidence of additional gastric secretions or improved peristalsis” and that on the contrary, the beverage can increase the sensitivity of people prone to gastroesophageal reflux.

    The point of view of Dr Arnaud Cocaul, nutritionist

    “Indeed, taking hot water and lemon in the morning is of no benefit to your health. And regarding the effects on tooth enamel, this drink can indeed be harmful. It all depends on the time of day and the frequency at which this drink is consumed, but this effect also applies to all acidic drinks and not just lemon water”.
