Have you guessed the reference to this Disney cartoon in the new Star Wars series?

Have you guessed the reference to this Disney cartoon in

Who said you couldn’t make Star Wars productions without taking inspiration from children’s animated films? This is what the creator of The Acolyte, the new series available on Disney+, did.

For several years now, the series Star Wars come to enrich the universe created by George Lucas almost fifty years ago. After The Mandalorian, Andor, Obi-Wan Kenobi or B’s bookOba Fett, Disney+ released the new Lucasfilm production on June 5. With The Acolytesubscribers immerse themselves in the peak era of the Jedi knights, before the advent of the Sith and the trilogies of George Lucas.

Created by Leslye Headland, this series follows a Jedi Master’s investigation as murders occur across the galaxy, and a figure from his past may be linked to them. If subscribers have already been able to discover the first episodes, it is difficult to imagine by watching them that the inspirations for this new series Star Wars are not only Tiger and dragon Or Kill Billbut also… Snow Queen.

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The Disney animated film has indeed left its mark on the creator of The Acolyte, Leslie Headland. As she explains in an interview with Linternaute, she “loves Snow Queen”. “I didn’t have children when it came out, I went to see it of my own free will, and I cried so much! If I had seen this film when I was younger, my life would have been completely different.”

But how do you incorporate the story of Elsa and Anna into The Acolyte ? Obviously, the inspiration remains light and subtle, since the series is obviously not an adaptation of Snow Queen. Star Wars, At its heart, it deals with family relationships and their conflicts,” notes the creator, screenwriter and director of some of the episodes, before detailing: “the masters with their apprentices, father and son, husband and wife… I identify a lot with the relationship between sisters.”

This is how the union between the two completely opposed programs was able to take place. “When I arrived with the desire to tell my version of what a story is Star WarsI decided that the family relationships explored would be those of two sisters. Snow Queen was above all a starting point for writing these dynamics.” A new episode of The Acolyte can be discovered every Wednesday on Disney+.
