Have you ever thought about reviewing a business through Google Maps, but canceled when you saw that your name and Google profile picture would be visible? Good news, you will soon be able to do it anonymously.

Ratings and reviews published on the Internet now hold an

Have you ever thought about reviewing a business through Google Maps, but canceled when you saw that your name and Google profile picture would be visible? Good news, you will soon be able to do it anonymously.

After spending some time in a new restaurant, at the cinema or in any public place, you often want to share your experience by leaving a review. To do this, there are several ways: create an account on specific sites such as Trustpilot, TripAdvisor, Komi, Trusted Shops, etc. or simply go through Google Maps. Unfortunately, you may be reluctant to use the services offered by the Mountain View firm. Indeed, the published reviews are not anonymous and all users can see your nickname and your Google profile photo. A very important detail since many people have provided their identity – first and last name in the nickname – as well as a photo of themselves to create a serious and professional account. Faced with this concern for anonymity, many consumers have preferred to skip the process by not sharing their opinion on Google. A problem that should however be resolved soon.

Google Maps: a new option to publish reviews anonymously

While some people have opted to create a secondary account to share reviews on Google Maps, the company is working on a simpler and more flexible solution. As reported Android AuthorityGoogle is reportedly working on a new feature that will allow its users to create an alternative profile to share their experiences and comments. In the code of the latest version of the application, we would indeed find the possibility of choosing a new nickname and a new profile photo for each public publication on platforms such as Google Maps or Google Search.

For now, this new feature has not yet been added and is therefore not available. However, early information suggests that users will be able to customize their alternative account when they are first published. According to our colleagues, a recently updated support page suggests that it will soon be possible to choose between the main profile and the alternative profile for public interactions. This should encourage the most cautious users to speak more easily on Google Maps to give their opinion on a place, on the quality of the food in a restaurant, or on the welcome they received in a company or in a public administration.
