“Have fun with it for a while”

In Destiny 2 there is currently a bug from which all classes can benefit and although it only brings advantages, Bungie leaves the players fun – but not for long.

What bug is it? Only recently at the start of episode: heresy player discovered a curious bug regarding the adapted glider. These are usually bound to the respective classes, but after the disastrous start of the episodes, players found that they could equip and use every glefe.

This is especially practical when Warlocks want to heal the Bubbles of the titans or titans. If this change were wanted, keepers would have a more diverse way to convert their builds in order to make them even more powerful. However, Bungie confirmed that this was only a bug. But where is the quick hotfix?

Destiny 2: launch trailer for the new episode heresy

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Every bug that is fun will be generated immediately

What is Bungie known for? Everything that is fun or gives the players an advantage is immediately generated or deactivated. This included exploits in terms of legendary fragments or exos, which are far too powerful.

In the case of the glefen, fans feared that bungie immediately follows up with a patch or deactivation of the exos. But only one message followed that said: “Not on purpose. Apart from that, we will not make the correction of this problem priority in an immediate patch. Have fun with it as long as it takes! “

How do the reactions of the fans fail? They are happy about the goodwill of the developers, but replied to X.com with the proposal to maintain this “bug” as a new feature of the glefen. The following can be heard:

  • “Don’t repair it. Class -locked weapons are a terrible idea ” – @Tygersbyte
  • “If it is fun and nobody hurts, you should leave them like that.” – @Thelugardis
  • “I hope that will not be fixed. Almost nobody uses the Glaive class, but that actually makes them a bit attractive and interesting! Keep it in! ” – @commander_prime
  • “Don’t repair it. It doesn’t break the game and it’s fun. These glefen have been a disappointment so far. ” – @ninshua
  • Does the bug break the game? Not directly, with maintaining the bug, the different classes would have the opportunity for “multiclassing” – that is, things that can also be able to do other classes.

    This should prove to be useful, especially for dawns, and otherwise the glefs are not so strong that they would make a big difference.

    The healing gun and the small bubble would be a strong addition at dusk, but they do not replace the titan or the warlock – not to mention the hunter. Would you like to keep the bug or do you prefer the restriction? You can find more about Destiny 2 here: Two forgotten exos are currently the best options in Destiny 2 to become immortal
