Woodstock’s fire department will be hosting its Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday, May 11

The city’s first responders are urging Woodstock residents to have a plan in place.
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With Emergency Preparedness Week having started Sunday, city officials decided to take the opportunity to remind Woodstonians that “emergencies can strike at any time.” Given that unpredictability, the message — and the central theme of the week — is to have an emergency plan prepared for every season.
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“Most people don’t want to think or talk about worst-case scenarios, but it’s important that everyone has a plan in place for emergencies,” Woodstock fire Chief Jeff Slager said in a release.
“Not only is it important to think about how your needs might change depending on the season, but you should also review your plan throughout the year so you’re familiar with it.”
The three main messages during this Emergency Preparedness Week are:
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- Know the risks;
- Make a plan; and
- Get an emergency kit.
Knowing the risks in your particular community is critical for preparing for and knowing how to act in these specific circumstances. For example, people living in communities near areas prone to forest fires need prepare differently than residents of towns where tornadoes are a much bigger risk.
Families should develop and practice a plan together that specifies what to do and where to go in the case of an emergency, city officials said. The plan should also specify meeting locations or methods of getting in touch if your family is not in the same place.
“Talk these questions through and write it down so everyone knows what to do,” city officials recommended in the release.
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The final facet — the emergency kit — is important to have and should be checked regularly to make sure it remains intact. While there are certain items that should be common to every one of these kits, including water, batteries, flashlights and first-aid supplies, families should also consider the individual needs of their household: Are there medications, like an EpiPen, or special supplies like diapers or nursing bottles, that should be included?
During preparations, the emergency planning should also include family pets, noted officials.
To help people with their preparations, the Woodstock Fire Department is hosting its Emergency Preparedness Expo on Saturday, May 11, at 645 Dundas St. in the Foodland parking lot. Representatives from a number of community agencies involved in emergency planning and response will be part of the expo to answer the public’s questions and help with risk assessment, planning and emergency kit preparation.
If unable to attend the expo, there are also a number of online resources to help identify and prepare for emergencies, including www.cityofwoodstock.ca/emergencypreparedness.
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