Has Twitter, which became X, become a better place after Elon Musk?

Has “Twitter”, which was named “X” after Elon Musk bought it, become a better place? The general opinion on this issue is not very positive…

The richest person in the world Elon Muskwhich was purchased for 44 billion dollars twitter The name of the platform after a while X and made great future promises within the scope of this transformation. So how was the platform moved to 2024 within the framework of these promises? Have the problems of the Twitter era been solved? Has Twitter become a better place under its new name, X, and its new management? As we said above The answers to these questions are generally not positive.. There is still a very serious “bot / spam” problem in X. Elon Musk constantly says on this subject, “It has decreased, it is about to end, it will be largely improved soon” comments, but the problem still continues seriously. The platform’s trending content is still controlled by these bots, in this context, the search system does not work any better than before. Most of the time when you search on a subject You come across spam content produced by botsit is still absolutely impossible to understand why a tag is popular on the platform.


When you go under popular tags, millions of irrelevant contents are listed, unfortunately no improvement can be seen in this regard. Fraudulent advertisements (Crypto ads have exploded recently) Elon Musk and his teams also struggle with false/false content. has lost a great deal. Especially after the blue approval badge started to be sold for money and money was paid for the content, the number of false / false content on the platform has increased significantly in order to get more views. Laying off large numbers of staff in order to make Twitter a profitable place in X period That’s why the company has incredibly reduced the size of its content moderation teams.Therefore, it cannot largely prevent the spread of manipulative content based on false information.

The platform, which cannot fully control even the distribution of very old videos as if they were new, has a lot of trouble in checking and correcting false / false content. has largely left the job to the users. in X, “Aims to build a more informed world by empowering X users to collectively add context to potentially misleading posts.” With the “Community Notes” feature announced, people can now They try to detect false / false content themselves and warn others.

The platform, whose value has fallen by 71 percent since Elon Musk bought it, The number one center when it comes to “getting news” can only be made a much, much better place. If Elon Musk takes the necessary steps to keep most of his previous promises, X can be made a much healthier place. However, for Musk, the biggest priority in X will always be money, and unfortunately money continues to take precedence over some values ​​today.


The platform was last brought to the agenda with an important investigation. For those who missed it Israel – Hamas – Palestine Social media platforms are the number one place where sad developments are followed, and the European Union wanted to be very careful in this regard. Because it was seen that there was a lot of misinformation and content circulating on social media platforms regarding what happened, and this did not escape the attention of senior officials. taking a step in this regard EU Commissioner Thierry Breton, By sharing a post from the official X account, “Following Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel, there are indications that X/Twitter is being used to spread illegal content and disinformation in the EU.” he wrote.

Member of the European Union Commission, who warned Elon Musk on this issue, asked to fight against fake / false content, and said that if the necessary steps are not taken, official investigation and penalties may come through the Digital Services Act (DSA). Breton, He also stated that the process should be fast. The company owner of this post Elon Musk‘s answer was: “Our policy is for everything to be open source and transparent, and I know the EU supports this approach. Please list the violations you mention at X so the public can see them. Thank you very much.”

Later, he told Thierry Breton about what X had done during the process. X CEO Linda Yaccarino He replied. According to Yaccarino, regarding the Israel – Hamas – Palestine events Tens of thousands of contents were removed. Hundreds of accounts linked to terrorist groups or violence or extremism were also banned. Stating that they attach great importance to this issue and work with great devotion to remove false / false content, the CEO said: He said that X also responded to requests from state institutions.

On top of all this, an official investigation was opened against X by the European Union because the expectations were not fully met. EU Commissioner Thierry Breton The following statement was made specifically regarding this investigation reported by: Formal investigation to assess whether was started.” After this investigation, X may face very serious penalties in Europe.
