Has started a counteroffensive in Kherson

Has started a counteroffensive in Kherson

Published: Just now

full screenUkraine is said to have launched a counter-offensive, including in the region of Kherson. Archive image. Photo: David Goldman/AP/TT

Ukrainian forces have launched a counter-offensive in the southern parts of the country, according to the military leadership in the area.

– Today we have launched offensive operations in various directions, including in the Kherson region, says military spokesperson Natalia Humenjuk, The Guardian reports, among other things. The information has not been verified.

Humenjuk is tight-lipped about details of the new offensive, but says attacks on Russian logistics routes in the country’s south “have unequivocally weakened the enemy.”

According to the data, more than ten Russian ammunition depots have been hit in the past week.

The comments come after Ukrainian newspapers reported that a counter-offensive was launched on Sunday on the right bank of the Dnieper River in the Kherson region.

Soldiers at the front have said they have managed to break through the first line of Russian defense in the region.

Reports that Ukrainian forces were preparing for a counter-offensive in the southern parts of the country have been circulating for weeks.

The parties’ accounts of how the war is going are consistently difficult to verify, and their own successes are almost regularly exaggerated.
