Has no medium range robots in the country

Has no medium range robots in the country



full screen Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Friday that the US had sent medium-range robots to Denmark for exercises. Archive image. Photo: Mikhail Metzel/AP/TT

The Danish Ministry of Defense refutes Russian President Vladimir Putin’s claim that the US sent medium-range robots to Denmark for exercises.

“NATO is a defensive alliance. Deterrence and defense are among NATO’s core tasks, which is necessary in light of an aggressive Russia,” the Ministry of Defense writes to Ritzau and continues:

“Exercises are an important part of the ongoing deterrence. There are no medium-range robots deployed in Denmark.”

Putin’s statement came Friday in connection with a meeting of the Russian Security Council where he said Russia should start producing robots previously banned under an arms treaty with the United States.

The agreement, which was concluded in 1987 between the then Soviet Union and the United States, stipulated that all medium-range robots with a range between 500 and 5,500 kilometers would be abolished.

The United States withdrew from the agreement in 2019, citing Russian violations. Russia denied the allegations.
