Harvard expert spoke assertively! Best foods for brain health

Harvard expert spoke assertively Best foods for brain health

The most beneficial nutrients for brain health were announced by a scientist from Harvard University in the USA. Nutritional psychiatrist and brain specialist at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Uma Naidoo said in her research that diet and mental health are inextricably linked, and that the link between them is two-way.


Saying that one of the aspects is the lack of good nutrition options will cause mental health problems to increase, Naidoo emphasized that mental health problems will also lead to bad eating habits.

Dr. In a study conducted by Uma Naidoo with hundreds of patients, it was stated that while the foods that are best for brain health were explained, it was determined that people did not eat these foods enough.

Here’s Harvard Medical School nutritional psychiatrist and brain expert Dr. Foods that can improve mood, sharpen memory and help the brain work at peak efficiency by Uma Naidoo:


Underlining the antioxidant properties of spices as well as adding flavor to the dishes, Naidoo said that they help the brain fight harmful free radicals and therefore prevent oxidative stress that can damage tissues.


Dr. Uma Naidoo added that especially turmeric and saffron are very beneficial for brain health.


Stating that fermented foods are made by combining milk, vegetables or other raw materials with microorganisms such as yeast and bacteria, Naidoo emphasized that these are sources of live bacteria that can increase healthy bowel function and reduce anxiety.

A nutritional psychiatrist at Harvard Medical School, who says there’s a lot of research that fermented foods can protect the brain, improve memory, and slow cognitive decline, said that probiotic-rich yogurt can be a potent ingredient.


“Dark chocolate is an excellent source of iron, which helps form the coating that protects neurons and controls the synthesis of chemicals and chemical pathways involved in mood,” said Dr. Uma Naidoo stated that in a study conducted with more than 13,000 adults in 2019, people who regularly ate dark chocolate had 70 percent less symptoms of depression.



A nutritional psychiatrist and brain specialist at Harvard Medical School said that avocados contain high amounts of magnesium, which is important for proper brain function, while emphasizing that there are studies that show depression is associated with magnesium deficiency.


Dr. Uma Naidoo says, “Nuts have essential vitamins and minerals, as well as healthy fats and oils that our brain needs to function well, for example, the selenium in Brazil nuts, because of the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects of omega-3 fatty acids if a handful is eaten a day. reported that it has an effect on improving thinking and memory.


Leafy Greens

Nutritional psychiatrist and brain specialist at Harvard Medical School, Dr. Uma Naidoo, in her research, finally said that leafy greens have effects on brain health.

Saying that green leafy vegetables such as cabbage make a difference in health, Naidoo underlined that leafy greens contain vitamin E, carotenoids and flavonoids, which are nutrients that protect against dementia and cognitive decline.

Another benefit of greens is that they’re “an incredible source of folate, a natural form of vitamin B9 that’s important in red blood cell formation,” says Dr. “Greens such as spinach, chard and dandelion are also excellent sources of folate,” said Uma Naidoo.
