Harry returns to the royal family: is it difficult to return when you have been estranged from your family?

Harry returns to the royal family is it difficult to

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    in collaboration with

    Amélie Boukhobza (Clinical Psychologist)

    According to the Daily Mail, Prince Harry is working on his return to England. While nothing has been decided yet, we can legitimately wonder about reconnecting with loved ones when we have cut ties for so long. Is it possible? Psychologist Amélie Boukhobza sheds some light.

    On January 8, 2020, more than four years ago now, the couple formed by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle announced their desire to become independent from the English royal family. The lovebirds then flew to Canada, before joining the United States and settling in California.

    A couple who distance themselves from their family and criticize them heavily

    The rest is known to all: the couple openly attacked the royal family, accusing them of racism in veiled terms during an interview given to Oprah Winfrey. The bond broke a little more between Harry, his brother and his father, but also with his mother-in-law and his sister-in-law whom he nevertheless adored. Harry and Meghan therefore broke with the Crown and freed themselves from the royal commitments that were incumbent on them. However, it would seem that they are not managing to establish themselves properly in the United States and that the Prince would increasingly think of a return to England, for financial reasons in particular, reveals the Daily Mail.

    Is it difficult to reconnect with loved ones after such a brutal breakup?

    If the rumor is confirmed, Harry and Meghan would return to settle in England, in order to resume their roles within the royal family. But will they be welcomed with open arms? Nothing is less certain, as confirmed by our expert, Amélie Boukhobza.Coming back when you’ve been away from your family after a long period of time is always tricky. Because when you’re away from your loved ones, it’s never without reason or pain. The return is just as charged with complex emotions, buried resentments, and sometimes barely healed wounds. For Prince Harry, this potential return to the royal fold raises ultimately fairly universal questions about the difficulty of reconnecting with family after a significant breakup, especially when you’ve publicly criticized your loved ones.”

    What will happen next for Harry and Meghan?

    According to the psychologist, this return – if it takes place – will require real introspection from them.We can’t simply move on without facing the reasons for the initial estrangement. Unspoken things, anger, and misunderstandings must be addressed as honestly as possible in order to be defused. This means not only acknowledging the grievances and complaints of others, but also taking responsibility for our own actions and words. That means understanding how our actions may have hurt others, even if that wasn’t our initial intention. A successful return begins like this, with a process of forgiveness—not a forced or superficial forgiveness, but a real process of repairing the offense done.” she analyzes.

    Rebuilding new foundations, for a new start

    In this case, as in others, it is not a question of pretending that everything is forgotten, but rather of reconstructing a new history, on new bases.This involves accepting the idea that regaining trust and re-establishing a dialogue that is not tainted by past grudges” adds Amélie Boukhobza “And that means really listening to other family members, without constantly trying to justify yourself or defend your actions at all costs.”.

    In Harry’s case, there’s also the issue of pride and public image, of course. After expressing such frank criticism, coming back requires a certain amount of humility. “CIt’s also about accepting that relationships will never be the same again, which doesn’t mean they can’t evolve into something different and perhaps healthier.” estimates the psychologist. “Once things are said, relationships have the opportunity to become something new, stronger and truer, based on a better understanding.”

    Feeling good in your body, feeling good in your head!

    If you are in this situation and want to reconnect with your family, the psychologist offers these few tips.The “steps” to reconnecting with family are based on a few fundamental principles: patience, open-mindedness, humility, and a sincere desire to repair and transform the pain of the past into a basis for a renewed relationship.” she still exhibits.

    It is not an easy path, especially if the wounds are still fresh and the external pressure is intense. But it is possible, especially if both parties are willing to show compassion and make an effort to understand the other.” she concludes.
