Harris after the meeting with Netanyahu: “Will not keep quiet”

According to herself, Kamala Harris had a “constructive and sincere” conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday.

She condemned Hamas’ brutality, but also described the images of dead children and desperate people as devastating.

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  • – We cannot look away when it comes to these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become indifferent to the suffering and I will not remain silent, says Harris according to AFP.

    Repeated Biden’s message

    Earlier on Thursday, Joe Biden met with Netanyahu, according to the White House, the president discussed the need to finalize a ceasefire agreement with Hamas.

    A message that Kamala Harris repeated.

    – There has been a hopeful development in the talks to secure an agreement, says Harris.

    Messages about the importance of reaching an agreement were conspicuous by their absence when, during his speech to the US Congress, Netanyahu promised “total victory” against Hamas, something that drew strong criticism.

    There is an interest in approaching Trump

    During Friday, Netanyahu will meet Donald Trump at the former president’s residence Mar-a-Lago in Florida.

    Relations between them have soured after Netanyahu was one of the first world leaders to congratulate Biden on his victory in the presidential election, while Trump claimed he had won.

    However, it may be in Netanyahu’s interest to strengthen ties with Trump if it results in him supporting Israel’s terms for a cease-fire agreement with Hamas, AP reports.
