The Harlem series follows the daily lives of four university friends. Streamed since December 21, 2021 on Prime Video, season three has been available there since January 23, 2025.
Harlem is an American comedy film created and produced by Tracy Oliver (The Sun is also a star, Girl’s trip). What was only supposed to be a four-hour show ended up turning into three seasons. The first season of Harlem has been broadcast since December 3, 2021, and was renewed for a second season, this time broadcast between February 3 and 24, 2023. Season 3 is available in streaming since January 23, 2025. This is the last for this dramatic comedy which was able to count on renowned producers like Amy Poehler or Pharrell Williams.
What is the plot of Harlem ?
Camille, Quinn, Angie and Tye have been best friends since they met in college. Now graduated, the young women stick together to face the throes of adult life between work, romantic disappointments and new experiences. Between Camille’s teaching career and her complicated love life, Angie who is trying to break into music or even Tye who has a series of professional meetings and lovers, the friends’ lives are very eventful.
What casting for the series Harlem ?
- Meagan Good: Camille Parks
- Grace Byers: Quinn Joseph
- Shoniqua Shandai: Angie Wilson
- Jerry Johnson: Tye Reynolds
- Tyler Lepley: Ian Walker
- Whoopi Goldberg: Dr. Elise Pruitt
- Jasmine Guy: Patricia Joseph
- Bevy Smith: Aunt Tammy
- Juani Feliz: Isabela Benitez-Santiago
- Jonathan Burke: Eric
- Kadeem Ali Harris: Brandon
- Sullivan Jones: Jameson Royce
Where to watch Harlem streaming?
The three seasons of the series Harlem are available for streaming on the giant Amazon platform. The ten episodes of the first season, since December 3, 2021 and the 8 episodes of the second since February 3, 2024. The third and final season has been available since January 23, 2025. To discover the episodes, you can subscribe to the Prime Video service for 6.99 euros per month.