Hard-hitting action thriller with a mega star that is finally being continued after 8 years

Hard hitting action thriller with a mega star that is finally

In a world of constantly increasing content and the flood of films and series in the streaming sector, some film gems are miserably lost. Regardless of how strong the action is, how exciting the premise, how top-class the cast is.

The Accountant is one such candidate. Despite a crisp thriller concept, powerful action and Batman actor Ben Affleck, the film quickly disappeared into obscurity – completely wrongly. All the more surprising was the recent news that the film would be continued after all. Before the time comes, you can now catch up on Part 1 streaming on Amazon Prime.

In The Accountant on Amazon Prime, Ben Affleck, as an accountant, swaps his calculator for live ammunition

Christian Wolff (Ben Affleck) apparently leads a very modest life. He is an accountant, which is not least due to his great talent and his talent for numbers. Due to his disposition, he is socially withdrawn and hypothermic. But go behind the facade of his office shadier dealings more than it initially appears.

Christian rarely makes his skills available to the run-of-the-mill average citizen, but rather to the big ones Crime syndicates the underworld. Through these activities he is now attracting the attention of law enforcement. Ray King (JK Simmons) and his special unit get dangerously close to Christian and his machinations.

Warner Bros.

Ben Affleck and Anna Kendrick in The Accountant

So he decides to take on a harmless, “normal” assignment for the tech company Living Robotics. The accountant Dana (Anna Kendrick) has noticed discrepancies in the company’s accounts. However, when she and Christian examine them more closely, they set off a chain reaction that ends them both risk of death brings.

Fans can rejoice: The Accountant is set to continue over 8 years later

We film fans are currently being bombarded with more prequels, remakes and never-ending sequels than we would like. In a universe of “Nobody asked for that!” remakes and “let the series finally die!” sequels are coming little insider tips Unfortunately, you rarely get to enjoy a sequel.

At first, The Accountant seemed destined for the same fate, although he lots of potential proved: Christian Wolff became a fascinating and complex character thanks to Affleck’s portrayal. The film delivered action sequences that did anything but wrap the viewer in cotton wool. Every blow was accurate, every bullet had force, every broken bone hurt.

Warner Bros.

Ben Affleck in fight mode in The Accountant

The combination of White collar crime, conspiracy thriller and hitman action worked wonderfully and the rest of the cast was also impressive. So why not tell the story of the tough accountant? A possible sequel was announced two years ago, but from then on things became suspiciously quiet about the project.

At the beginning of the year the time had come: The Accountant 2 was officially confirmed. Filming of the sequel is scheduled to begin in 2024 and Ben Affleck will return to his title role. Director Gavin O’Connor will also be back.

To get you in the mood for part 2, you can now catch up on The Accountant with a streaming subscription on Amazon Prime or refresh it again.

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