Hard belly pregnancy: in which month, what causes?

Hard belly pregnancy in which month what causes

Many pregnant women feel their belly harden during pregnancy. While this is a harmless symptom in most cases, it may be accompanied by other signs. Why does the belly harden, and from which month of pregnancy? The point with a gynecologist and a midwife.

Having a belly that hardens during pregnancy is one of the common symptoms, which is experienced by most pregnant women with a feeling of “hard and tense stomach” at the level of the uterus. Why does the belly harden during pregnancy? What are the causes ? When to worry? How to relieve the pain? Answers with medical gynecologist Sandrine Brugère, member of the board of directors of the FNCGM (National Federation of Colleges of Medical Gynecology), and midwife Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet.

Why does the belly harden during pregnancy?

Like pregnancy nausea, ligament pain, urinary leakage and back pain, a hard belly is one of the most common pregnancy ailments. What happens in the body? This phenomenon occurs when the uterus grows over the course of pregnancy, it contracts and in reaction the abdomen tightens, stretches and becomes hard.

From when does the belly become hard during pregnancy?

In the fifth month of pregnancy, the belly may begin to harden for a few seconds due to pregnancy contractions. The more the pregnancy is started, the more this sensation can be felt in some pregnant women. Moreover, “the belly can harden at any time of the day. The fact that it occurs at night therefore has no particular significance.“, specifies the specialist. At the end of pregnancy also, usually the future baby weighs on the uterus which stretches more, which accentuates the sensation of hard stomach.

“The belly can harden at any time of the day.”

What are the causes of a hard belly during pregnancy?

The feeling of a hard belly during pregnancy can have various causes :

Braxton-Hicks contractions

Considered to be “false” contractions, Braxton-Hicks contractions usually appear from the second trimester of pregnancy. Not painful, they are transient and are not intended to dilate the cervix for childbirth. These irregular contractions are due to changes in the uterus throughout pregnancy. They usually last between twenty to thirty seconds and can occur at any time of the day. A hardening of the belly corresponds to a contraction. During pregnancy, the contractions that occur from 4 and a half months, 5 months, are perfectly normal and it is not worrying to have several during the day“, explains gynecologist Sandrine Brugère.

Digestive disorders

Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can cause bloating and constipation during pregnancy. And for good reason, progesterone tends to “sleep” the muscles of the intestine, result digestion is slowed down, which can cause a hardening of the abdomen. To remedy this, it is recommended to increase your fiber intake, drink plenty of magnesium-rich water and practice regular physical activity.

labor contractions

Unlike Braxton-Hicks contractions, labor contractions are regular, intense, painful, and get closer and closer as labor progresses. These contractions lead to a hardening of the belly.

When baby moves, can the belly become hard?

When baby moves, the belly or rather the abdomen is not supposed to become totally hard. “It’s what helps tell the difference between a contraction, where the whole belly gets hard all over the womb area – top, bottom, left and right – and baby movements, where usually it’s only one side that’s hard,” reveals Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife. On the other hand, “when baby is much bigger, usually in the third trimester of pregnancy, it comes to be pressed under the skin, which will stretch part of the belly” and make it hard, adds the expert

Why is the belly hard on only one side during pregnancy?

A pregnant woman can have a hard abdomen only on one side. because baby is moving in the womb. “Baby then presses under the skin of the belly” which stretches the skin in reaction, details the midwife. When he moves, his weight can press on one side or part of his body, such as his back, and thus make the belly hard on one side.

A hard belly during pregnancy is often a sign that you need rest. “It is therefore essential to ease off, to lie down as often as possible and to allow yourself moments of relaxation by doing, for example, yoga or sophrology exercises.“, says Dr. Brugère. Expectant mothers can benefit from the relaxing power of hot water to relax the contractions of the uterus : either by letting water run over the belly, or by putting a hot water bottle on it. It is also recommended to limit journeys which tend to accentuate fatigue at the end of pregnancy, and to avoid carrying heavy loads which tend to increase contractions of the uterus.

When to worry when my belly is hard during pregnancy?

Having a belly that hardens when you are pregnant is generally not serious. Nevertheless, but if other signs appear, an emergency consultation with a doctor is essential. “If this symptom is accompanied by nauseaof fever or even of aches, it is necessary to consult quickly, but if the contractions become really regular, painful and that they do not stop at rest, it is better to go directly to the emergencies of the maternity, the childbirth may be soon. If there are bleeding or that the baby’s movements decreaseit is even more urgent because it can be a sign of a serious complication that could have consequences for the health of the baby“, comments the medical gynecologist.

In which month of pregnancy does the belly get round?

“Most of the time, the belly begins to round at the end of the fourth month or the beginning of the fifth month of pregnancy.. But it depends a lot on women and pregnancies“, details the specialist. In some women, it can happen earlier, in others later.

Thank you to Dr Sandrine Brugère, gynecologist in Bordeaux and member of the board of directors of the FNCGM and to Lauriane Chabre-Dumontet, midwife in Fontenay-sous-Bois.
