Harassed by a hacker, the father of a journalist from Rue89 dies after a heart attack

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The father of a journalist Street 89who had been the victim of a phone prank from the hacker Ulcan six weeks ago, died on Tuesday.

Benoît Le Corre’s father explains Street 89, had been plunged into an artificial coma after a heart attack, five days after a first phone call from the hacker. This phone call announced to him the imaginary death of his son, A second phone call announced to him this time the coming intervention of the police at their home, “thinking to discover there the corpses of his wife and his child.”

Attacks “of a fascist nature” had qualified the co-founder of the pure-player Rue89, Pierre Haski, who had filed a complaint for piracy. If the procedure was “targeting no one”, the article clearly cited a name: Ulcan, aka Gregory Chellia 31-year-old man based in Ashdod, Israel and former member of the Jewish Defense League (LDJ) according to The world.

According to Rue89, this activist and provocateur, Viol Vocal site administrator, would also have attacked the online media four times in one week. The method is simple: denial of service, which consists of sending a flood of requests to a server to drown it and make a site unreachable. These attacks follow the publication a portrait of the pirate on Rue89, recalling his feats of arms. However, Ulcan does not stop at computer systems. July 29, tells Stops on Imageshe contacts the journalist from Rue89 Benoîtt Le Corre to explain his “son of a bitch” article.

Ulcan continues the exchange as follows: “We will take care of your little family, we will do your ICST right now, we’ll find out your mother’s name and we’ll pay some guys to type her.” The call is posted on YouTube by Ulcan itself.

Find out more at //www.lexpress.fr/actualite/societe/justice/rue89-porte-plainte-contre-un-hacker-apres-des-attacks-sur-son-site_1564748.html#OmR4tlt0H675BR4u.99
