Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day!

Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Childrens Day

Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day, when the Turkish Grand National Assembly was opened and Atatürk’s gift to all children!

Happy April 23 National Sovereignty and Children’s Day! We wish all the children of the world to live in love and peace on this special day when our great leader and commander-in-chief Mustafa Kemal Atatürk once again reveals his love for children, which he describes as the cornerstone of the future of the Republic of Turkey and the progress of the nation.

What happened on April 23, 1920?

“On April 23, 1920, the First Grand National Assembly, representing the will of the Turkish nation, was opened. Atatürk decided to celebrate this day, which is very important for our sovereignty, as the ’23 April’ holiday. 5 years after this decision, Atatürk declared this on April 23, 1929. He gifted the holiday to children, and April 23 began to be celebrated as Children’s Day for the first time in 1929. In 1979, once again, with the participation of six countries, this national holiday, which we brought to the international dimension, was attended by foreign countries that come from more than forty countries and host Turkish children every year on average. “Turkey is the first and only country in the world to present a holiday to its children and share this holiday with the whole world.”

As Merlin’s Cauldron, we celebrate April 23, the holiday of Turkey and all children of the world, with love and enthusiasm!
